Summer 2023] Disney's Latest Codes! What to Wear & What to Bring



In this issue,夏ディズニーを楽しむためのコーデや持ち物をご紹介していきます!!





今年の夏はドリームガーランドや40周年限定のグッズ、パレードや花火など見どころ満載です♪ パーク内には特別な装飾もされているので、お祝いムードでさらにディズニーを楽しめそう💓


引用元 東京ディズニーリゾート公式サイト


ディズニーランドでは3つ, ,ディズニーシーでは1つのアトラクションでびしょ濡れMAX!が体験できます♪




引用元 東京ディズニーリゾート公式サイト









In the event that you lose your wallet, the damage will be minimized.

In addition, theUse of cashless paymentYou can enjoy shopping without carrying much cash in your bag, so you can make your wallet, which usually weighs down the space in your bag, neat and compact!

I wonder if cashless payment is accepted at Disneyland?

According to the official website, it seems that cashless payment can be made by the following methods!

  • credit card
  • Electronic money (stores, restaurants and some service facilities only)
  • debit card
  • prepaid card

Please note that "QR code payments on smartphones (XXX Pay, XXX Pay, etc.)" are not available at Disney⚠


Smartphones are essential for checking transportation, waiting times for attractions, and for taking memorable photos!

Attraction wait times can be viewed on a dedicated app. The information is displayed along with a map of the park, so you can download the app and use your smartphone throughout the day!

As you use apps and take pictures, your phone's charge is running low💦 Utilize a mobile battery,Home.We'll make sure you have no inconvenience until you get back.♪ Let's do it ♪


There are just so many opportunities to use your phone at Disneyland! It's a hassle to take it out of your pocket and put it away every time... The recent trend to solve such problems isスマホストラップThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

The shoulder strap type adheres to the body like a bag, so not only can you touch it immediately when you want to use it, but you can also use it as a shoulder strap.Helps prevent fallingThe following is a list of the most common problems with the

ALTROSE スマホ 斜めがけ クリア ストラップ BLACK CLEAR 1000円均一1100 yen (tax included)[Products page(Japan)]
ALTROSE スマホ 斜めがけ ナイロンポーチ付 ベルトストラップ BLACK NEVY BEIGE[新春SALE]1287円(税込)[Products page(Japan)]
メタルモチーフチェーンストラップ スマホショルダー/ALTROSE SILVER[新春SALE]787円(税込)[Products page(Japan)]
メタルモチーフチェーンストラップ スマホショルダー/ALTROSE GOLD[新春SALE]787円(税込)[Products page(Japan)]
Long BIG Chain Strap Cell Phone Shoulder/ALTROSE CLEAR2090 yen (including tax)[Products page(Japan)]
Long BIG Chain Strap Cell Phone Shoulder/ALTROSE BLACK2090 yen (including tax)[Products page(Japan)]
デコラティブビーズ スマホストラップ/ALTROSE PINK[新春SALE]858 yen (including tax)[Products page(Japan)]


An essential item for girls! Lips, foundation, etc.Minimal favorite itemsLet's bring 💓

Since makeup tends to fall apart more easily in summer, it is recommended to use a makeup-keeping spray at the end of the makeup application.


  • parasol
  • Headwear
  • sunscreen
  • sunglasses
  • cloth to wipe the sweat off

Heat-protection goods are essential at Disneyland, where there are long waits and a lot of walking!

If you bring all the recommended items, it will be a big luggage 💓.


  • reusable shopping bag
  • picnic plaid
  • Alcohol spray and sterilization sheet
  • garbage bag
  • Bottled drinks

Hands get dirty from food, trash cans are not nearby, or just a few things. If you have room in your bag, you may want to take it with you.â



Long walks and waiting times are inevitable,Shoes that do not tire the feet are recommended!

If you don't usually wear heels, choose shoes that are not too high, such as pumps or sneakers. If you really want to wear heels,Sandals for when you are tiredIt may be a good idea to carry such items as


It can get quite hot during the day at Disney. It is a good idea to choose materials and items that allow for good ventilation. ❤︎
See-through materials and dry processingTops, etc. are recommended... ♪

It may be better to wear clothes that are easy to dry, as you may get wet during the summer Disney tradition of "Soaking Wet MAX!

If wearing long-sleeved tops and hats for sun protection,Roll up your sleeves in the shade or take off your hat to release heat!


Adult cute one-tone coordination 🤍.

See-through.The silhouette of the chiffon shirt is too cute! The overall balance is very good because the color of the catsuit and shoes are matched with black.

The colorful catsuit fits perfectly with the flashy hair ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡.

White shirt and denim for easy movement & hair color for a great balance!

Photo by @_risa_316u

When I think of Disney, I think of "link coordination'-' (used in place of '-')

Matching colors and items are a great way to get people excited. ❤︎ The pink and light blue set-up is a good balance of feminine and mature ✨It's like they are real twins!

There is also yukata Disney in summer💓

Just wearing a yukata increases your excitement level and girl power✨. We also recommend yukata coordination, which is possible only in summer.The "M" is!!!!

Photo from @4111o0

One of the most prominent features in the park is the "princess bound'.

What is Princess Bound?Coordinates with princess dresses and other motifsof the "Mere Old Man". Just by matching the colors, you can feel like the princess you've always wanted to be.

If you are lucky, you might be able to get a photo with the characters!


Summer Disney is
  • There are many summer-only events!
  • Compact luggage is a GOOD idea.
  • Choose shoes that are comfortable to walk in.
  • Don't forget to bring heat protection items!
  • Only at Disney can you enjoy fashion♪

Summer Disney isAnyway, it's a battle against the heat.It is!

There are spots where you can cool off, so check beforehand, drink water frequently, and be creative to create the best memories 💓.