Fur blousons have become a standard! Feature Introduction & Fashion Points for Women

The street fashion boom is still going on! As the cold season continues, the items that are attracting a great deal of attention areFur Blousonis💕

Fur blousons have been selling well every year at Noikis. This time,Fur blouson that has gone from trend to standardLearn more about ✨

What kind of item is a fur blouson?

Here, theCharacteristics and Attractiveness of Fur BlousonsLearn more about ✨

Blouson is a general term for short-length outerwear

What is a blouson to begin with?General term for short outerwearIt is. Blousons, which have become a standard fashion item, have sleeves and hems withRibs."and ... andRubber.The most common type of product is the one that has been

How to coordinate blouson can be used?

Because blousons are items with a strong sporty impression,Casual fashion, street fashion and American casual fashiontends to be a good match with

Nowadays, girly and feminine one-piece dresses are paired with blousons,Gap Coordinationを楽しむ人も🎀スニーカーやルーズソックスと合わせることで、Subculture and Harajuku-style CodesIt also fits in well as a

Fur blousons," which are both warm and fashionable, are popular!

Blousons have been booming for several years and have finally become a standard in recent years. Especially in the chilly season,Fur blouson that combines warmth and fashionが大人気です✨

Fur blouson is just what the name implies,Blouson with fur processing while maintaining the same silhouetteIt is. It is attracting attention as an item that is too convenient to be used for a short outing, but can also be firmly matched to city corsets.

Recent trend is "eco-fur" material

In recent years, however, with the trend toward sustainability, the material used is not real fur, but fur blouson.Ecofur is the mainstreamThe company is not only animal-friendly, but also Not just animal friendly,Reasonable materials for your walletIt is 👛✨

If eco-fur is easy to purchase, it is easy to get fur blousons in different sizes and colors! Take advantage of this booming opportunity,Cool & Cute Fur Blousonをゲットしてくださいね💕

Women are happy! 3 points of fur blouson's heart-pounding!

Here, theWhy women want to wear fur blousonsを3つご紹介します💕

Aim for the gap that only boyish items can achieve.

Fur blousons are basically sporty and boyish items. That is why,The gap between frills, floral patterns, and other feminine items is super effective.It is!

Cute gestures shown by a boyish womanは、男性の心をギュッとつかみます💖ぜひピンク系メイクやガーリーな小物使いを取り入れて、意中の相手にアピールしちゃいましょう!

Moe sleeves are easy to make!

One of the most distinctive features of fur blousons is the ribbed cuffs. What is so attractive about ribbed sleeves?The moe sleeves look great.You know, ......!

While using the unique fuzzy feeling of fur,Cute and Cuteを最大限発揮してください😚😚

Loose-fitting and slimming effect

Fur blousons also feature a loose-fitting size that hides the body silhouette. Not only can it hide the roundness of the upper body,Makes the lower half of the body look slender and slender.のもうれしいポイントなんです✨

especiallyThey look great with skinny or mermaid skirts!ヒールやソール高めのシューズと合わせて、スタイル5割増しを狙ってくださいね👏

Selected by Noikis! What fur blousons do you recommend this winter?

Here, theVery popular fur blouson in Noikisto introduce you to the world!

1. Playful rough draft design

ラフガキ ラクガキ ファージャケット BLACK[SALE][Products page(Japan)]
8811 yen (including tax)

今シーズン人気のラフガキデザイン🎵クール系にもサブカル系に合わせやすい、遊び心にあふれた一品です。It is more comfortable than the price!

ラフガキ ラクガキ ファージャケット WHITE[新春SALE]6364円(税込)[Products page(Japan)]

2. VISION design, a street staple!

VISION STREET WEAR Hooded Fur Blouson BLACK[Products page(Japan)]
10780 yen (including tax)

大トレンド中のVISIONデザイン!ファーブルゾンでもカッコよさは健在です。ロゴは合皮ワッペンで高級感も◎✨A masterpiece that any type of woman can wear!

VISION STREET WEAR フードファーブルゾン WHITE[新春SALE]7007円(税込)[Products page(Japan)]

3. Reversible blouson with a wide range of coordinates

VISION STREET WEAR リバーシブルファーブルゾン BLACK BLUE[SALE][Products page(Japan)]

一着で二度おいしい💕コーデの幅が広がるリバーシブルブルゾンは、毛足の長い素材で肌ざわりの良さが自慢です。こちらもおなじみVISIONアイテムなので、The silhouette and comfort are secure and stable.👏

4. Stylish line fur design

ストレート ラインファー ロゴ ジャケット BLACK[新春SALE][Products page(Japan)]

The stylish design is also popular, with the line fur spreading straight down the sleeves! Not only cool,It is also luxurious and elegant.✨一着持っているだけで、冬のアウター悩みが解決すること間違いなし!

5. Simple is No.1!

ドリズラーファー ファージャケット BLACK[新春SALE][Products page(Japan)]

A simple silhouette is No.1 after all! The plain color and collar allow you to enjoy it with any combination of outfits.Highly recommended for blouson beginners!is💕


Your friend in autumn and winter! Fur blouson for a fluffy handsome winter coordinate!

In this issue,Features and appeal of fur blouson and recommended fur blouson itemsWe introduced you to the following!

Fur blousons are a boyish item, and that's why,Gap between femininity andが魅力的です。気になる人に自己アピしたい「あざと女子」さんにもおすすめのアウターなんですよ💕

Please take advantage of the opportunity,Fur blouson that can be enjoyed only in the cold seasonEnjoy coordinating your winter look even more through