Long-established Harajuku apparel brandACDC RAG."Popular characters fromGroomy."palaceNew Collaboration Itemswas announced!

photo by. ACDC RAG
Past ACDC RAG x Groomy collaborations have been very popular for their punk and rock items.
In this collaboration,Trend-setting lineup with punk appeal intactand ✨
What kind of brand is ACDC RAG?

photo by. ACDC RAG
ACDC RAGis a Harajuku apparel brand that began in the Omotesando pedestrian mall.More than 40 years of historyand disseminates items that transcend borders such as national borders, gender, and age.
What is the appeal of ACDC RAG items?Unique design and reasonable price rangeThe shop is a dream come true for those who want to express their personality and individuality through fashion. For those who want to express their personality and individuality through fashion, there is a lineup of items that will make your dreams come true✨.
What kind of character is Grummie?

photo by. Groomy Official Website
gloomywas created by illustrator Chuck Mori.Pink bear characterです🐻
The gap between his cute looks and violent personality is fascinating! Groomy's favorite things to do are"To destroy the happiness of others."だそうです🥹🥹
Originally a Y2K character, though,It has recently undergone a re-break!グルーミーは、「優れたデザインのキャラクターは時代を超えて何度も流行する」を体現してくれています✨
What have past ACDC RAG x Grummie collaborations been about?
The previous ACDC RAG x Grumee collaboration item was,Mainly punk items with high attack power!
In the last collaboration, especiallyGreat attention from overseas fans!オサレ系ファッションのファンを中心に、絶大な支持を受けていました🔥
What are the features of this ACDC RAG x Grumee collaboration item?

photo by. ACDC RAG
The ACDC RAG x Groomy collaboration item features the traditionalpunkIn addition to the trendingCyber.projecting part (of a headland, etc.)Cyberpunk."Fashion!
The mesh material and oversized silhouette, while incorporating the neon colors unique to cyber2021 punkを表現しています💚💜
Not to mention those who love character goods,I want to enjoy trendy fashion!"と思っている層にもとってもおすすめなラインナップになっています✨
Check out the new lineup!

neon green×ネオンピンクの王道サイバーパンクカラー!チェーンやチョーカーなどのロック系アイテムと組み合わせて、自分ならではのサイバースタイルを楽しめる✨


All photo by ACDC RAG
ACDC RAG×グルーミーコラボアイテムはどこで買える?

ACDC RAG×グルーミーコラボアイテムの新作は、ファッション通販サイトNoiseAndKisses."Available at ✨





photo by. ACDC RAG
In this issue,ACDC RAG×グルーミーの新作コラボアイテムintroduced ✨.
ぜひこの機会にACDC RAG×グルーミーコラボアイテムをゲットして、自分らしさ100点満点のコーディネートを楽しんでくださいね😊✨