Twitter] DM "" is spam! What to do when you receive a suspicious URL

The ever-evolving Twitter spam BOTs and spam DMs!

👧Is it a DM from someone you know?"
I checked with the

  • Only the Instagram URL was sent.
  • For some reason, it has my account name in it.

What a surprise!

That's a spam DM!

If you pressed the wrong button, don't worry!

Unsolicited DMs evolve on a daily basis, but we are well prepared to deal with them.

In this issue.Latest Spring 2024] Types of Suspicious DMs & How to Deal with Themto introduce you to the world! ✨

What is a Twitter DM (direct message)?

Twitter DM stands for Direct Message. It is a feature that allows users to communicate privately with other users on Twitter, much like personal email.

You can basically send a DM to anyone, but depending on their settings, you may not be able to send it unless you have a follow relationship with them.

Many people don't allow DMs from non-followers to prevent spam and pickups 💌." is an annoying DM!

@NAKapparelDM that came to

When you receive a DM from an account you follow, you are tempted to open the URL.

But that URL, theIsn't it somewhat suspicious?

👧I look closely and see my account name in both the text and the URL..."

The most common URL these days is the one with "" in it 🧐.

At first glance, the message appears as if it were a shared Instagram post.

That's an unsolicited DM!
The other person's account may have been hijacked!

There is a widespread malicious spam that hijacks Twitter accounts without your knowledge and automatically sends out a large number of unsolicited DMs to your followers💦.

What do you do if you receive a DM with a URL?

  • Don't click on the URL!
  • Let them know they are spamming you!

If you receive a suspicious DM with a URLFirst of all, don't click.Ignore them and then let them know about the hijacking situation in a way other than through DM.

If they know they've been hijacked, they can counteract it by changing their passwords, changing their DM settings, etc.!

What to do if you have clicked on it

When you click on the URL, you will be taken to the Twitter login screen and then to the application linkage screen.

On this screen, you will see theNever log in or link up!

If you link your apps, your account will now be hijacked💦.

If you just clicked on it, you're good to go! Just close the screen and you're good to go ✨.

What to do if you have sent yourself a spam DM

If you link your account with a site accessed through "" it will send DMs to your followers without your permission! 😭😭

If you have linked them together, you can use the

  1. Check the apps you are working with.
  2. Unlink apps you don't use or don't remember.
  3. Change Password

Let's address them in the following order!

1. Check the applications that are linked.

First, we will check the currently linked apps by the following method.

  1. Click on "Settings and Privacy" in the side menu of the Twitter application, at the bottom
  2. Open "Security and Account Access."
  3. Open "Apps and Sessions."
  4. Open "Linked Apps".

2. Disable linkage of apps that you do not use or do not remember.

After checking the linked apps, select one app at a time that you have not used recently or that you do not remember.

If you find a suspicious applicationRevoke permission for the app."You can cancel the linkage by tapping

3. Change your password

If you are a victim of a hijacking, you shouldChange your password to prevent secondary damageI recommend that you do it!

Let's give our followers a heads up!

Once you change your password, it is safe to report it in a tweet to alert your followers who have sent you a DM✨.

You can tweet the URL of this article as an introduction to how to fix this!

If left unchecked, your account could be frozen!

If you get hijacked by spam and send a large number of DMs, you canPossibility of having your account frozen.There are 😭💔.

Take action as soon as you notice a hijacking, before your precious account is suspended!

Why are you infected with spam and hijacking?

👧"How could I get infected with spam if I was just using Twitter normally?"
I think you'll find it at .......

One major cause.I logged in after clicking on a spam DM URL.The following are some examples.

The follower who sent you the DM is also likely to have been infected with spam for the same reason.

Unsolicited DMs are increasing like rats 😭.

In addition, theBe wary of "diagnostic maker" type applications that regularly go viral on Twitter.It is!

If you unintentionally link to apps or sites that require login, your information may be misused and spam DMs may be sent to you.

Even the most fashionable diagnostic manufacturers.Carefully decide whether you want to log in to Twitter and link up.

Don't be afraid to say "everyone else is doing it." It's a deadly mistake! Play with caution✨


In this article, we introduced the characteristics of "" and other unsolicited DMs and how to deal with them!

How to deal with Twitter spam DMs
  • I don't click on URLs!
  • If you click on it, as long as you don't use Twitter login or app integration, you're good to go.
  • It's safe & kind to tell the account you're sending it from.
  • Once you've linked them, we'll remove the app linkage as soon as possible!
  • Don't work with diagnostic maker applications without thought.
  • Unlink apps that are not used on a daily basis.

When you get the "" DM with your account name, please refer back to it!

This article is a summary of spam DM data as of January 2024. It will be updated as the latest information becomes available.